You better find out what the Enemy is really after.
Satan tries to duplicate what the Creator has! You are the Temple of God with Freewill! Satan wants the put the Abomination that causes Desolation in the Temple of God and you are controlled! It is the Secret of the Key of David Revelation 3:7 To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. Both Movies calling the ROBOT DAVID..for a reason!
Imagine a day when machines walk among us, expressing thoughts, emotions, demanding their rights. Today, we are breathing intelligence, even life, into creatures of silicon and steel.
The Real Hidden Message in the Superbowl 47! Sleeping with the Enemy..Holy Blood..Holy Grail!7/31/2014 You just thought Beyonce flashed the Illuminati Sign,
that's nothing, see what was hidden right in front of you! Telling you about the New Race they want! The team showcase breakthroughs in technology and engineering that are creating a new generation of machines. Mark Evans fuses his brain with a computer in Switzerland to test a new breed of machine. Kathy Sykes hits the streets of San Francisco to have the ride of her life as she experiences the future of transport in a driverless car. In Italy Jim Alei-Khalili comes face to face with a remarkable, baby-like robot called iCub, which learns like a child. Joy Reidenberg discovers the extraordinary exoskeleton that can make the paralysed walk and give one man the strength of three. In the Canary Islands Maggie Aderin-Pocock visits one of the world’s biggest telescopes, where they’re searching for new planets in the furthest reaches of the universe – planets that we could one day colonise. A quick list of topics that The Age of Transitions covers:
The video is interesting and provocative; but for those new to these concepts, the video may come across as quite frightening. Interestingly, the issue of the Singularity casts an implied shadow all throughout the film.Different individuals with different backgrounds including a theologian, a philosopher, a brain builder and a cyborg, are interviewed on the subject, in the course of which a wide spectrum of topics are discussed, including trans-humanism, mind-machine mergers, uploading, and artificial super-intelligence.
Transhumanism Part 1-2-3 Mark of the Beast, The Digital Messiah, & Preparing for the Singularity6/17/2014 What would you see and experience if the clocks rolled forward 50 years? In a unique blend of drama and science, this three-part series shows you the world of tomorrow. Will we have flying cars? Will advances in medicine help us stay young forever? What about "printing" custom-made vital organs? What will our cities look like? What will tomorrow's wars be about? Will we have robots helping around the house? Will solar power be the new oil?
Supported by the world's leading scientists and research institutes, we embark on a quest to answer some of society's most fundamental questions and reveal the dramas of tomorrow's world along the way. State-of-the-art computer graphics in combination with a dynamic story line will create a world usually only seen in feature films, but with the accuracy and relevance of a documentary. This series is all about opening the window of our future based on science fact, not science fiction.
Transhumanism is going to be seductive in the near future,
the masses being setup for the technology already with movies,music,media and even commercials! The song is "She Blinded me with Science" The question is what is She blinding you from? The answer is ,the truth from who you really are, a human soul created to come as a man and die as a man! To do as Christ did,follow him..he showed you the way! The WAY,THE TRUTH and THE LIFE! The Cyborg Revolution looks at the dawning of a strange new era... an era of revolutionary experiments. Wired torsos, chip-implanted brains, creatures of silicon and steel... welcome to the age of cyborgs and androids. As humans become more machine-like and machines more human, the line between biology and technology is starting to blur.
As robots begin to move among us, how will we regard them? as property like automobiles, or as individuals with rights and responsibilities of their own? Can a thing become part of human society? Can a thing become a person?
This video offers an introductory overview of Nanotechnology - exploring the science and processes behind it, its applications in the material world, and its potential to solve global environmental, health, and medical problems. It also reviews consumer concerns and regulatory challenges. The video aims to increase awareness and understanding of these still emerging technologies and the issues they raise.