88 is MAGIC! We have been working with Anthony Patch to uncover the truth about CERN
The Tower of Babel & The Casket of Osiris!
The Gotthard Tunnel was a ritual to show the Antichrist coming out of the Abyss in which CERN IS TRYING TO OPEN. We will show the Same Ritual from the Sumerian gods as Gotthard, that are the same as the Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Hindu Ect Ect gods.
America is truly coming to a head with the Luciferian NWO COEXISTING Agenda that is the Same as the MAGIC # 88 literally translates to Magic! and a hebrew word that means Part Human Part Celestial Entity!
The Tower of Babel & The Casket of Osiris!
The Gotthard Tunnel was a ritual to show the Antichrist coming out of the Abyss in which CERN IS TRYING TO OPEN. We will show the Same Ritual from the Sumerian gods as Gotthard, that are the same as the Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Hindu Ect Ect gods.
America is truly coming to a head with the Luciferian NWO COEXISTING Agenda that is the Same as the MAGIC # 88 literally translates to Magic! and a hebrew word that means Part Human Part Celestial Entity!