“As you know, it is the duty of the conclave to appoint a Bishop of Rome, and it seems to me that my brother Cardinals went to fetch him at the End of the World.”
“As you know, it is the duty of the conclave to appoint a Bishop of Rome, and it seems to me that my brother Cardinals went to fetch him at the end of the world.”
in nearly 600 years to resign believes the election today of Jorge
Mario Bergoglio as the 266th Roman Catholic pontiff lines up with a
medieval prophecy that would make him the “final pope” before the End
Final Pope is Here,” told WND today Bergoglio’s selection was a
“fantastic fulfillment of prophecy.”
based on a prophetic vision of the 112 popes following Pope Celestine
II, who died in 1144.
“final pope,” “Petrus Romanus,” or “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends
with the destruction of Rome and the judgment of Christ.
noting Bergoglio is the son of Italian parents and a Jesuit.
book,” Horn told WND in an email.
“implies this pope will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff
over the Church and will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic
Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and
denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples
of the world.”
Protestantism from spreading and to preserve communion with Rome and
the successor of Peter.”