Karonette Mcleod
4/27/2018 05:38:56 am
I thank Jehovah God for discerning you so you can open up the eyes of those who diligently seek Him and Jesus Christ. May he continue to bless you.
Mark Cannon
6/16/2024 12:13:05 pm
Everything you say is right on I read about this stuff 30 years ago about the Fallen Angels the Nephilim but it totally makes sense about how the temple of God spoken of in Revelation and the abomination of desolation spoken of in Daniel is our heart and Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit lives inside of us and Satan wants to replace that and get God out by changing our genes and putting him in he is not omnipotent only the Lord God is the god of heaven the God of all creation his son Jesus Christ and it's all through the blood God is all omnipotence and Lucifer Satan is not
the outline of phoenix on google. see north east. the outline of 'phoenix rising; also the red dragon. think reverse, south west, like the outline as an arrow, estrella mountain, star mountain, contains the 'capstone'. it's a snake pit in this valley. phoenix lights 'flew through center. make other appearances. there were 'many of them' that night. witnesses in videos that were all 'under it' got some self replicating fullerenes from 2 mile long black meteor made living craft, all every witness under it had 'snake eye slit pupils. there are some video's around. i commented this observation. most of the proof is gone. at the time I sent proof to many people. no one gave a crap. what could cause snake eyes. black goo, meteor is russia and asia based on west side on border of finland. nothing is more evil. causes HIV, AIDS. they gave it as vaccine, caused 99.9 aids/hiv africa. why there? wooly hair, son of God, chosen people. it's all about God. everything you are made to say, against the creator.
Lee Brown
12/17/2018 02:33:00 pm
Thank you
10/9/2022 02:35:15 pm
This is great for the lost TV ,Movie Watchers, pray they come to Christ. I personally don't need to watch Movies or Predictive Programming. I have the Word of God. Bible says don't set ANYTHING Evil before your eyes. Saved in 1984, threw my TV away and it makes me sick to watch these rapist transexual blood and adrenachrome drinkers. The Bible and Teachers, Watchmen of God keep me up with all of this vomit B.S. without having to look at it. Yes continue to reach the worldly lost people who glorify these REPROBATES. It may be the only way they find the path that leads to Eternal Life. Jesus said FEW would find it. Be ready to lose your bank accounts and everything else and surrender to Christ 100% or give in to the Digital Currency Beast System. You could lose your life for Christ. So what, Jesus said this is not our home. If you love
1/30/2024 05:13:56 pm
Lisa Clements
2/20/2019 04:57:24 pm
Hi! I just want to thank you by the grace of God you have opened my eyes about the Masonic symbols and other things that the Enemy hides and has planned to eliminate most of mankind if not all. I heard about you through Steve Quayle...
11/23/2019 01:06:19 pm
How hard is it to make your website? If youtube takes my channel down i dont know where to go.
8/18/2021 03:46:04 am
2/2/2025 07:48:03 am
Try Brighteon,and Bastyon
Todd Milster
12/24/2019 07:01:21 am
First, when are you coming back!?
Dustin L.
3/20/2020 07:36:33 am
Glory to the lamb of God, thank you for all of your videos, it really opened my eyes to things that I didn't know.. God bless and continue to stay on the path that Our Savior Jesus Christ,The Father, and the Holy Spirit is leading you on... you are blessed and highly favored
4/20/2020 05:31:42 pm
GOD Bless you for all this work, I didn't understand a lot of it but I think understood the main message. Thank you also for the details and the time invested.
5/1/2020 04:48:39 am
thankyou so so much..you dont know how i need this truth so bad....i am crying...thank you thank you God bless you tremendously
Cassandra Sheffield
7/27/2020 12:11:32 am
Just thank you. Stay the course.
Mark Cuming
9/25/2020 05:18:06 pm
Thank you. Be blessed and safe brother.
Mark Cuming
9/25/2020 07:45:12 pm
Not sure I'm using the right correspondence here. But I'm curious about the Alcoholics Anonymous symbol. A square inside a circle.
Dean atkin
1/17/2021 03:32:34 am
Nicholson please go to the Johnathan kleck channel and watch the pathogenesis video it is they total truth of who we r and wot happened in genesis
7/20/2021 08:03:32 am
Hey brother I am a huge, huge fan. The production and content of your videos stands out as one of a kind. I have used and continue to use your videos to awake my friends and family. My family was hesitant to see the insidiousness of the cv but with the help of the control video and many others they now see. I also turned my daughters mom and some of her friends on to you. I pray for your ministry often, and hope to see some new content soon. Live you man hope you and your family are well!
Susan longsine
4/8/2022 08:16:56 pm
Carbon copy #2 has been deleted from the country! Must have been wild. Is it possible to maybe redo it in a different way? I just now came across your web. You for sure helped me understand alot!! Praise and Glory to the Almighty in Jesus'name. Thank you for your time and exposure Eph.5-11 God bless you ☺️🙏✝️🌻🌿☺️🌺🌱❤️🌹🥀🎵🎶
5/28/2022 05:48:54 pm
5/28/2022 05:51:21 pm
9/30/2022 07:27:54 pm
Quran, Kabbalah, Zohar, Book of ANton LaVey, Necronomicon, Book of Mormon, Talmud and similar blasphemous texts all have one origin: The death cult currently running the world through the Vatican systems (legal system, banking and so on) and their compartmentalized "useful idiots".
6/7/2023 02:55:23 pm
You are wrong, the Catholic Church did not write the Koran. The Quran is the words of Allah and has been sent to all humanity. Read before you judge. Let me even give you a hint, read carefully the first verse of the Holy Quran, the first verse that was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad by Allah.
5/28/2022 05:56:04 pm
9/30/2022 07:28:52 pm
Please stop quoting a blasphemous text written by the Catholic Church and disseminated in the name of Satan. Instead, burn it and forget what you have read.
6/7/2023 02:42:48 pm
The originality of the Bible has unfortunately been corrupted. Research and question people who belong to the Christian religion. You have a little time left, the absolute return will be to GOD. You did not come to this world for play and fun, this is the place of testing, the eternal homeland is the place after death. Decide, you don't have much time... don't be fooled by the devil, he's deceiving and trapping you... he is deceiving you with father, son and holy spirit. God is one and only, He does not need children, think very carefully, they are deceiving you..
Joe david
6/7/2023 05:01:43 am
Thank you Nicholson saw you on the Maria Zee Rumble. Doing a great j of the preachers pastorsob exposing the secret societies, I do know much of what you have revealed. The Mormons, JWS and the Branhamites and many other cults are all connected to the Freemasons Being a freelance missionary for over 40 years chucked out from the Pentelostals evangelicals I know most of the ministers have been influenced by the teachings of the Jesuits and Freemasons! Jesus said that no man can serve TWO Masters!
6/7/2023 02:28:02 pm
Jesus Christ was not crucified. Our lofty book, the Qur'an, states: (We cursed them because of their saying. ) But what did they kill him; nor did they hang. But was shown to them as Jesus. Those who disagree about him are therefore in complete indecision. They have no (sound) knowledge on this matter other than following conjecture, and they certainly did not kill him." (an-Nisa, 156-157)
6/7/2023 02:30:32 pm
Allah raised Him (Jesus) to the sky. Allah is Mighty and Wise.” (an-Nisa, 158)
12/25/2023 08:15:32 pm
Wow Nicoleson, been following yo ufor years but dont think we ever saw this one. when you first started brining what was brought to you out in the open, it was evident but still hidden in many ways, but today, transhumanism is becomeing a normal idea. Its sold to us at every angle. You truely had a vision from our creator my brother, You have devoted years of time with the most incredible videos and documentaries, ive ever seen to date, still no one has been able to bring the messages home like you did. God had given you this art in film to reach people, Well done good servant. You did your job and did it well. You have brought thousands outta the fog, including me. I Thank God he chose you to do this work for him. God Bless and much love from Texas.
12/29/2024 10:45:22 pm
My name is Jacqueline Hedges. I never believed I would be cured by a spell caster who specializes in herbal cure and magical spells. I am talking about the help Doctor Odunga gave to me. I have been cured of herpes HPV which has plagued me for over 2 years. I am very happy to tell others that if you want to be cured or get your ex back spells and get pregnant naturally, even financial blessing through lottery, there is only one place to be and that is with Dr Odunga Spell Temple. You should contact him now to help you within 24 hours with your problem at his Email: [email protected] and via Whats App his mobile number +2348167159012.
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