Nothing stirs up a group of Christians more than the Rapture Doctrine! This video tells you the deep roots of where it all came from! You need to ask yourself the question from the enemies stand point of why a deception of a rapture would cause Christians to fall away..which is prophecy!
This documentary shows you what the Elites believe in and have for thousands of years! Great documentary to show you how they come up with the symbolism used in the Illuminati,Freemasons,Jesuits,NWO,Skull and Bones etc..
Go on a voyage of discovery that leads from the oldest known temple in the world to a prehistoric cave map, to a common belief shared by key ancient cultures, all of which were aware of the star system Cygnus' unique place in the cosmos - and it's significance as the spirit path to heaven. Most surprising is the fact that the Ancient Advanced cultures of the past were aware of cosmic rays emanating from Cygnus, and for their being the spark which ignited evolution - the same spark which continues to alter our DNA right through to the present day.
Recent legislation attempting to legitimize the use of internment camps to
detain U.S. citizens in the event of an uprising or civil unrest has many people asking what nation they live in. Who are the potential domestic terrorists that will end up in these camps? Read the documentation for yourself and hear what our experts have to say. States rights take a front row seat in this new political thriller that is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine. Find out where the true power of the people rests in halting these treasonous activities NOW! During Adolf Hitler's rise to power, did a daring group of Nazi scholars and technicians learn the secrets of anti-gravity and space travel from extraterrestrials? If true, these conclusions may shock and amaze you. Get the facts about UFO Secrets of World War II - The 3rd Reich and beyond, in a way that will change the way we stare up at the stars for years to come.
All over the world there are people, who call themselves
freemasons and believe they are spreading the light, but they are actually very much afraid of the light. This film tells about how the Emissaries of Jahbulon spread it around themselves and how it affects us. The film is exciting excursion to some of the most powerful masonic lodges in the United States and in Europe.
It has long been suspected that the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Mayan temples could not have been built using the primitive technologies attributed to those peoples by the orthodox academic view which states that primitive civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India emerged from the stone age just over five thousand years ago. Writers and engineers take a look at real evidence - largely ignored by the academic establishment - which shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth.
Lost Human History! Submerged Megalithic Sites! Ancient Advanced Technology!
Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth's oceans stunning evidence of Atlantis that pre-dates the last ice age. Submerged megalithic sites have been discovered that may be the remains of the lost ancient civilization of Atlantis. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous. Scientists present new evidence that Atlantis was an ancient seafaring culture with advanced knowledge of astronomy, global mapping and complex mathematics. Includes the facts about this amazing mystery along with a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers: Graham Hancock * John Anthony West * Michael Cremo * David Childress * James Nienhuis * Maxine Asher * Crichton Miller * William Henry.
Skyscratch is a documentary which looks at how completely natural "climate change" and in particular the "Global Warming" scare has been used as a fear mongering ploy to create a militarized sky.
Naomi Wolf investigates parallels between the state of civil liberties in the U.S. and those of dictatorships, fascist regimes, and other formerly free societies. Wolf discusses a number of deeply unsettling similarities — from the use of unofficial paramilitary organizations and secret prisons to the targeted suspension of the rule of law.
Planned Obsolescence is the deliberate shortening of product life spans to guarantee consumer demand.
As a magazine for advertisers succinctly puts it: The article that refuses to wear out is a tragedy of business - and a tragedy for the modern growth society which relies on an ever-accelerating cycle of production, consumption and throwing away. The Light Bulb Conspiracy combines investigative research and rare archive footage to trace the untold story of Planned Obsolescence, from its beginnings in the 1920s with a secret cartel, set up expressly to limit the life span of light bulbs, to present-day stories involving cutting edge electronics (such as the iPod) and the growing spirit of resistance amongst ordinary consumers. This film travels to France, Germany, Spain and the US to find witnesses of a business practice which has become the basis of the modern economy, and brings back disquieting pictures from Africa where discarded electronics are piling up in huge cemeteries for electronic waste.
It was the start of a chemical arms race, reaching its peak in the 1960s and ’70s with LSD as the mind-control secret weapon of both sides, intended to cripple the enemy without firing a shot. The US showed drugs experiments in army-sponsored TV documentaries, while in Czechoslovakia — the drugs laboratory for the whole Eastern Bloc – the state-controlled movie industry was enrolled to shoot surreal feature films portraying the drugs experience.
Besides biological and chemical weapons, both Americans and Soviets routinely exposed their own soldiers to nuclear fallout in A-bomb tests. According to General Jan Sejna, the highest-ranking military defector from the East, the Soviets even tied living prisoners of war to stakes as human guinea-pigs in their nuclear tests. The film has a moving and shocking interview with a Japanese doctor who operated on unanaesthetised prisoners. A captured US pilot is seen making an apparently false confession in Korea. A Czech military chemist explains how chemical weapons are deployed, and a victim of a drug-fuelled interrogation describes the experience. The man who debriefed Czech defector Jan Sejna describes the terrifying network of experimentation behind chemical, biological and atomic weapons. The Cold War is over, but weapons development — and testing — continues.
It is the blueprint for depopulation and total control, under the
bannerof saving the environment. It is like the head of a beast that hasthousands of tentacles, originating from the United Nations. The 3 primary tools that are used are:Man-made global warming Water shortages ,Endangered Species Act We all want clean air, water, land and food, but phony environmentalism is designed to create fear in order to implement the policies of tyranny. For example, the Globalists used global warming fear mongering inorder to usher in the Cap & Trade and carbon tax schemes without debate. Former rock and roll promoter and manager - turned - political activist, Aaron
Russo, sets out to discover the truth behind the Internal Revenue Service in an eye-opening documentary filmed to find out if there is any existing law that requires Americans to pay an income tax. What Russo claims to uncover in his nonpartisan investigation is a systematic erosion of civil liberties implemented by wealthy bankers in the early 19th century and subsequently proliferated by a government more interested in ruling the people than serving them.
What is the real significance of Rosslyn Chapel? What were the Templars, Assassins, Druids, Augurs, Sufi's and many more really planning for all of mankind?
Angels, Demons and Freemasons explores the myths, folklore and legends of the world of secret societies and provides startling evidence for a true and all too real conspiracy that has been ongoing for centuries. Within every religion and every State there lurks an underground stream controlling and manipulating those in power. Great knowledge was fostered and hidden by these groups. Wars and revolutions were carefully planned and orchestrated by a Universal Brotherhood. The knowledge and power of these people would be deemed sacred and protected. Whether it was practical methods of survival such as navigation and measurement or inner psychological and spiritual wisdom, it would become the foundation for secret societies the world over. This is the story of the groups who have guarded this sacred knowledge for centuries. Featuring cutting edge CGI and never before seen footage of Freemason Lodges and the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel.
Secrets that the Elites use and are not taught to mankind and with good reason, knowledge is power!
One of America's most important founders was a man named Charles Thomson, who was said to have been closer to the events and people of the American Revolution than any other man of that era. Thomson was the Congressional secretary from 1774 to 1789, all the way through the Revolution and the establishment of the federal government.
He was also the man who made the final decisions for the design of the Great Seal of the United States, which can now be found on the back of America's dollar bill. As the new American Republic was being founded, Thomson made a detailed history of the events that took place during the Revolution and of the men who are being celebrated as heroes across the country. Though he was compelled for repeatedly to publish this history, Thomson declined, "No" he said, "I ought not, for I should contradict all the histories of the great events of the Revolution. Let the world admire the supposed wisdom and valor of our great men." He said, "I shall not undeceive future generations." As a result, Thomson eventually destroyed his manuscript and what may have been the truest account of the American Revolution was lost for all time. It might be said that any serious investigation into America's history should begin with Thomson's story and his decision not to undeceive future generations. What did Thomson mean? What was he hiding? Since we are the future generations, what have we been deceived about? Today, the founding fathers of America are perhaps the most famous men in the world, for setting forth a new form of government that has been the marvel of the modern age. In the discussion over whether America was founded as a Christian nation, it is important to divide her history. Most agree that the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth in 1620 were undoubtedly Christians who built their cities and schools based on the teachings of the Bible. Yet 150 years would pass before the United States was founded, as a result of the American Revolution. Because of the Christian influence early on, the Revolutionary philosophies have been embraced in what might be called "Patriotic Christianity Are you worried the government has interests and endeavors they don't want you to know anything about, and that there are rich and powerful people all around us that have access and influence you will never have? Then The Secret Mars One Colony is very likely right up your alley. The film looks at man's interest, exploration, and pursuit of habitation of our closest planetary neighbor from a hyper-conspirative perspective, theorizing a number of the widely-accepted truths about Mars are in fact merely propaganda.
The conspiracy-themed release Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
attempts to make a case for the idea that the governments of the contemporary world are uniting to form a new world order and enslave all of humanity, murdering 80% of the global population. Subtopics include the formation of the Bilderberg Group, the evolution of the North American Transportation Control Grid and the collapse of the USA. A definitive work of impeccable scholarship with a thoroughly engaging
narrative, The House of Rothschild is a biography of the rarest kind, in which mysterious and fascinating historical figures finally spring to life.
Giants appear in every culture throughout history. From David and Goliath to Paul Bunyon to Andre the Giant, they've wrestled gods, conquered empires, and inspired heroes to rise in stature.
Why are average-sized humans so fascinated with larger-than-life characters? In this Cyclopean 1.5-hour special, consider the origins of these colossal creatures by exploring folklore and legends worldwide, and examining scientific evidence of their existence. |